Berry Cute

These summer sweets are berry special!  As a member of the rose family, berries are harvested in your region in early summer.  Did you know that the tiny hairs on berries are called styles?

Berries are full of many nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that keep your body working properly. Grow your knowledge of berries with more fun facts below!

Get Creative
with Berries

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to download our resources.


Berries come in many different flavors, colors, and textures.

Jelly and jam are often made from fresh berries.

Fresh berries have been used to make natural fabric dye.

Berries are usually called superfoods because they have high nutritional value.

Berries usually have their seeds on the inside. Strawberries are different and have theirs on the outside!

Grow Kids’ Interest in Local Foods

From farmer storytelling kits to informational posters, our kits make it easy (and fun!) for kids to learn about local foods.

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