Now Is the Time to Invest in Feeding Our Kids

Before the pandemic, over 30 million school children participated in federal child nutrition programs.  For many children, the meals provided through these programs are the only meals the eat in a day, making them an important source of nutrition.  ...

Shared Community Values for a Just Food System

The Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) is a process that Congress goes through every five years to make changes the rules and programs that apply to all child nutrition programs, which include school breakfast and lunch, summer meals, meals served at child and...

It Takes A Community to Feed a Community

It Takes a Community to Feed A Community –  that has been more true than ever this year.  This month, join us is celebrating National Farm to School month, to honor all those who work hard to feed our school kids- farmers, food hubs, school foodservice staff,...

Local Menu Takeover. Go Local. Grow Healthy

Pizza Bagel Bistro Box? Fiesta Bean Spicy Salad? Peachy Keen Cookie Crumble? Berry Blast Fro-Yo? Sign up us for this menu – where are we eating? Why school of course! COVID may have certainly changed the way that schools are serving food this year, but it did...