2022 Regional Food System Partnership Grantee

The Regional Food System Partnerships (RFSP) program supports partnerships that connect public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems. The program focuses on strengthening the regional food economy through collaboration and...

We Went Loco for Local in the 2021-2022 School Year

Local purchasing is at the heart of Feed Our Future’s work. It is an investment in the local food economy and a way for us to improve diet quality for kids. As a part of this process, we work to make it as easy as possible for our school nutrition partners to...

It’s Not Just Quantity. Quality Matters Too.

“Farm to School programs increase students’ fruit and vegetable intake.” Let the virtual high-fives begin! This was a key affirmation from Dr. Sarah Bleich’s recent visit to Parma City School District. As the United State Department of...

Let’s Keep Kids Fed.

30 million. That’s a big number. Even bigger when you recognize that it represents the number of school meals served each school year. 2 billion. That’s an even bigger number. Especially when you consider it is the financial loss that these very meal...

Staying True to Our Mission

Our mission, “Inspiring young minds to make mindful choices for what they eat”, was created in 2015 and still remains true today. Feed Our Future is laser-focused on connecting schools, homes, and communities by providing the necessary and practical...