Sep 10, 2018 | Food Service Professionals, Parents & Students
Serve More Local Produce on Your School Lunch Tray Food service professionals across Northeast Ohio are giving students choices for what they eat by ramping up the amount of local produce served in school cafeterias. School meals have come a long way in recent...
Aug 18, 2018 | Educators & Administrators, Parents & Students
Better Nutrition Means Better School Performance Numerous studies have shown that failing to provide good nutrition can result in children not meeting their full academic potential. A balanced diet full of healthy foods increases brain function, results in fewer...
Aug 18, 2018 | Food Service Professionals, Parents & Students
An Education in Healthy Eating Healthy eating habits may start at home, but there’s no denying the benefits of getting a healthy lunch at school. School lunches are planned to provide growing kids with 1/3 of their nutrition for the day. And when kids eat the right...
Sep 27, 2017 | Food Service Professionals
Seasonal Produce Calendar by Ohio Farm Bureau (Link)
Sep 27, 2017 | Food Service Professionals
Menus That Move by Ohio Department of Education (Link)