Growing Minds with Food

Better Nutrition Means Better School Performance Numerous studies have shown that failing to provide good nutrition can result in children not meeting their full academic potential. A balanced diet full of healthy foods increases brain function, results in fewer...

Teaming Up for Healthy Lunches

Purchasing Cooperatives Make Healthy Lunches Cheaper School Food Authorities are banding together to form purchasing cooperatives which give them more buying power and enable them to get food atcheaper rates for their schools. By ordering food together, schools save...

A Bumper Crop of Urban Farms

Unused Land Becomes Fertile Ground in Cleveland Vacant lots in Cleveland have become farm land with several urban farms sprouting up in the last few years. Growing everything from grapes to kale, these farms seek to bring healthy fare to food deserts via farm stands,...

Meet Your Greens

How Urban Youth Benefit from Gardening Community and school gardens provide children from urban, low-income neighborhoods with so many benefits. Not only do the kids enjoy a mental lift from working outdoors, they get in-depth knowledge of what it takes to grow, cook...

Farm Affair

Farm to School Program Produces Results in South Euclid Lyndhurst School District In response to changing demographics and rising childhood obesity, the South Euclid Lyndhurst School District led the pack to become the first district in Cuyahoga County to implement a...