Make this dish. Make an impact. When you choose to buy, prepare, and eat fresh, local foods, it’s better for you and your community! Download our Peachy Keen Cookie Crumble recipe today. Cook and share with #feedourfutureohio.


  • 4 local, raw peaches
  • 4 snickerdoodle cookies, baked from raw dough


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Bake the snickerdoodle cookies. Do not overbake – works best when slightly underbaked. Allow to cool.
  3. Cut peaches in half and remove the pit.
  4. Place peaches on a baking sheet, pit side up, and spray with butter spray. Bake in oven for 8-10 minutes.
  5. Top each peach with 1/2 of a crumbled snickerdoodle cookie.
  6. Bake peaches for another 3-5 minutes to crisp the cookie topping.
  7. Serve 2 peach halves.

Source: Pisanick Partners, LLC