FRESH began as a grassroots effort for a grassroots movement, and it’s been tremendously exciting to see the movie spread like wildfire. Within a month of our launch in April 2009, we received over 20,000 visitors and hundreds of screenings were organized. Today, FRESH is a community of over 100,000 advocates for healthier, more sustainable food, a film that’s used all over the world as a platform to raise awareness and connect people to solutions in their community. But that’s not good enough. We want to make fresh food on every plate the norm, not the exception. We want to reach 1 million people: gardeners, doctors, politicians, teachers, eaters. Not just because that would be a nice boost to our ego (mine especially!), but because we believe that FRESH can truly help get us to a tipping point, when sustainable food will no longer be just a niche market.
