Make this dish. Make an impact. When you choose to buy, prepare, and eat fresh, local foods, it’s better for you and your community! Download our Egg, Spinach, Bacon, Power Wrap recipe today. Cook and share with #feedourfutureohio.


  • 6 cups local spinach, raw
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 scrambled eggs
  • 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 6 each whole grain tortillas
  • 6 slices bacon


  1. Scramble eggs.
  2. Prepare bacon.
  3. Prepare spinach: roughly chop spinach. In large skillet, heat spinach for about 3 minutes or until it is wilted.
  4. Place 6 tortillas on a flat surface. Place 1 scrambled egg lengthwise in center of tortilla. Top with 1 slice bacon. Place 1/2 cup spinach and top with 1 oz cheese. Wrap and enjoy.

Source: Pisanick Partners, LLC