Join the Local Food System Task Force!

Add your produce or food items to school menus through our collective buying power.

Become A Partner

Your Passion, Our Local School Connections

It can be difficult to add your items to school menus on your own. We solve this by selling them to schools for you! The Local Food System Task Force strengthens the supply chain to help producers like you sell items to school systems easier and more efficiently.

Take the Guesswork Out of:

Food Safety Certification

We’ll help you through all the steps to become certified if you aren’t already.

Business Planning & Logistics

Create efficiencies in your business with support in supply chain logistics and storage.


We facilitate coop buying and respond to farmtoschool bids to increase economic opportunity for our partners.

Marketing & Communication Opportunities

Our Grower Storytelling Kits tell your story in a fun, engaging way for kids & adults.

Producer Cost Share Program

Feed Our Future has money available to support preparing for or participating in a third party audit.

Program Info

Learn more about our investment in the food system.

Program FAQs

Get answers to your questions.

Suggested Items and Common Foods

Learn about items we can pay for and the most common items schools menu and serve.

For questions about the program or assistance filling out the application,

please contact Bailey Rieck at or 216-201-2001 x 1537.

We're Better Together

Since 2017, Feed Our Future has helped sell over $1.5 million in local food items to surrounding school districts! Be part of the system that delivers consistently rather than coordinating with schools solo. Our team has a proven record of selling local produce and food items to local schools. Tap into our collective knowledge and experience!

Northeast Ohio Local Food Sales | We are working towards a $700,000 sales goal across the 20222025 school years, a 75% increase in 3 years. As of July 2024, we ended the school year with $973,650.81  in local food sales for NEO school districts.

We are hoping to increase total sales an additional 10% for the 2024-2025 school year.  Join us and help us reach our goal! 

What You Need to Know

If you haven’t worked with schools before, there are several important steps you must take. The task force leadership is ready to help you with any or all of these steps with resources and support.

Be aware of important dates.

Schools plan their menus far in advance. Have your pricing ready before March 1st to be included in bids for the following school year.

Get Certified.

Producers selling to schools must be Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certified or have a 3rd party audit.

Complete child nutrition label or product formulation statement.

Based on what you produce, schools require different nutritional information and documentation.

Tell Your Story

Our Grower Storytelling Kit helps producers like you share your community impact with parents, students and school administrators. Connect with the community and promote your business in a fun, engaging way!

Join Our Lineup

Our current producers and food businesses represent a variety of organization sizes, specialties and production types. Will you join us to create a strong local food system?